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The two princesses of the Saudi king detained in the palace described their imprisonment!

Princess Fatima Kulsoom.

The Dhaka Times Desk The 4 princesses of Saudi Arabia have been imprisoned in the Saudi royal palace for several years. Now the two princesses among them told the media in detail about their imprisonment.


There are many discussions going on around the world about keeping the four daughters of Saudi King Abdullah imprisoned in the palace. The mother of four princesses is the former wife of the Saudi king Alanud Al-Fayez They have been seeking help from the World Court for keeping the girls captive for quite some time. This time, among the four girls, two princesses, Princess Sahar and Princess Jawah, secretly described their 13-year captivity to a British media for the first time.

Princess Sahar and Princess Jawaher told the media, "My father has kept us hostage between the four walls, we don't see the light for a long time. We are guarded 24 hours by various guards. We are 'severed' from the outside world, 'isolated' and 'solitary'."

Princess Jawaher said, "We consider our imprisonment as a prison, we are not given any privileges. My father has detained our other two sisters in another palace. Their situation is even worse.”

Princess Sahar said, “We are princesses but we are kept in a subhuman condition, our father being a king is treating his daughters like this! We are thinking about the Saudi people, the father has further subjugated the Saudi people. Subjects are never safe under a king who can treat his own children like that.”

The three favorite princesses of the present-day king of Saudi Arabia are in the gallery.

Meanwhile, Alanoud Al-Fayez, the former wife of the Saudi king, continues to discuss the detention of girls at the international level. She divorced Saudi King Abdullah in 2003. Since then he has been staying in London. Recently, she sought the help of United Nations including Barack Obama to free her 4 daughters.

It should be noted that Saudi King Abdullah has had 30 marriages so far, among which he divorced several of his wives after giving birth to children. Earlier in a secret message with the help of a media The captive princesses of Saudi Arabia demanded their release!

Source: International Business Times

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