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The Myna bird of rural Bengal is about to disappear

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Saturday, April 5, 2014 Christ, 22 Chaitra 1420 Bengal, 4 submission: Sani 1435 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

moyna birds

The dead bird of village-Bangla is about to disappear now. Once upon a time, birds of prey could be seen almost in the houses of the village. This myna bird used to talk when guests came. Guests were invited. But now this dead bird is not seen even in the village.

Myna bird is such an attractive bird that the custom of giving it to each other as a gift was also used by the people of this country at one time. Everyone knew this bird only by name even if they did not see it. Not only in Bangladesh, there is a huge demand for myna bird in the whole world. The main reason for this is that hummingbirds can imitate human speech exactly.

But now this bird has become rare in our country. But once upon a time, the Myna bird could be found in the mixed evergreen forests of the country. It was seen in different forests of the country including Chittagong Hill Tracts. They usually do not go to the ground. They collect food by wandering around the trees all day long. They love to roam in pairs or small groups. But the most interesting thing is that male and female birds mate for life which is not seen in animals. It is said that their bond remains unbreakable even until the death of their partner.

Good morning everyone again - good morning.

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