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Amazing Charisma of 3D Tattoos [Photos and Videos]

The Dhaka Times Desk Body tattoos are popular worldwide. 3D tattoos are now trending. They look so real that it is puzzling. Highly skilled painters are doing this. Let's know the history of 3D tattoos.


3D tattooing is the rising trend. Especially young people are more inclined towards it. Attracting the attention of others is the main goal. Moreover, they are so real that everyone can be surprised. Everyone is getting 3D tattoos because of the trend to make themselves stand out.


The main feature of 3D tattoos is that it creates optical illusions. Where normal tattoos sit on the skin, 3D tattoos appear to be moving away from the skin. This is because 3D tattoos are drawn in multi-dimensions. Which basically causes hallucinations.


Traditional tattoos and 3D tattoos are drawn in almost the same manner. In both cases fine needles and special dyes are used. But in 3D tattoo the density of shadows and brightness of light is very carefully fixed.


Currently, 3D tattoo artists are so busy that their client waiting lists range from eight months to two years. Depending on the quality of the tattoo, different amounts of money have to be spent. However, 3D tattoos cost more than traditional tattoos.


Some more 3D tattoo images:

Watch 3D Tattoo Videos:

Source: guardianlv

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