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Kowloon Walled City is the most dangerous and densely populated city in the world

The Dhaka Times Desk of Hong Kong Kowloon Walled City It is said to be the most densely populated area in the world. Here a house built on top of each other is a huge empire. A room is connected to another room by stairs. Its dark densely populated area is said to be feared even by the Hong Kong police.


About 33,000 people lived in these houses or towns. Photographer Greg Girard stayed here for a while and made a documentary about the town. He was amazed when he first saw it. In his own words, it looks like a gigantic building. After all, Wall City was a historical accident. It was a former Qing Dynasty fortress. Later, even during the British colonial period, the British government could not completely bring it under its control. As a result, residents ignore the safety code and build their own buildings.


This is how huge empires are created by sticking to each other. Eventually the situation is such that the stairs of one building become connected to the stairs of another building. It seems that all together are one building with many branches. The environment here is completely unhealthy. There is no adequate ventilation, no play facilities for children here. As a result, slum environment prevails inside the building. The situation is worse in the deep areas of the building where there is always darkness due to insufficient lighting. Anyone who sees it will feel dead.


It contains everything that a person needs to live. There are many shops inside but mostly meat shops. No hygiene rules are followed in it. Because no health inspector came here for inspection. According to photographer Girard, there is a kind of wildness to the atmosphere.

Kowloon Walled City

Researchers from the Hong Kong Architecture Research Center have studied the complexity of the city of Kowloon Aaron Tan. He researched the area when he was a graduate school student. "It's a really great city. I think it's a machine that's been working well for a long time." Aaron Tan said while describing the city of Kowloon. He also said that its water management is more interesting because providing water to so many people is not a very easy task. The local residents dug their own wells for water supply and also managed the water supply very well. As a result, the residents here do not have to face the problem of water.


In 1994, the city government took over the city and demolished it due to its unsanitary environment. At present it is planned to turn it into a public park. Visitors to it now will actually see a magnificent walled garden. A different place with some dark ponds and creepers climbing the walls. Christopher Nolan's famous movie “Batman Begins” was shot here. Kowloon city is the backdrop of the gaming world hit “Call of Duty: Black Ops”.

See more in the slideshow

Reference: CNN

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