Categories: special news

Ganajagran Manch is going to debut as a political party?

The Dhaka Times Desk Shahbagh Gana Jagran Manch is finally going to make its debut as a political party, organized to demand the trial of war criminals! Gana Jagran Manch spokesperson Imran H Sarkar gave such a glimpse.

In an interview given to various media on Sunday, Ganajagran Manch spokesperson Imran H. Sarkar expressed such attitude to form a political party.

Originally, Ganajagran Manch started the movement to demand maximum punishment for war criminals in Shahbagh. From the beginning, the organization was getting government support and police security. But suddenly the context changes. The events of the last few days show that the Ganajagran Manch has lost the support of the government. The police who had been guarding them for so long attacked them fiercely. In such an attitude of the government, however, not only the mass awakening, but also the common people of the country are shocked! Because everyone has the right to march and meet. Moreover, the manner in which the police attacked the Ganajagran Manch workers is unacceptable in a democratic country. The dispute started mainly with the Chhatra League. And the government police later got involved in this dispute.

In such a situation, some of the decisions of the government have been criticized by the leader of the forum, Dr. Imran H. Sarkar. However, Shahriar Kabir, the head of Khatak Dalal Nirmul Committee, said that there is no movement with the help of the government.

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Ganajagran Manch spokesperson while giving his response to the media said, We did not expect this from the government. Imran H. Sarkar said in response to a question from journalists whether Ganajagran Manch will emerge as a political party, it is actually the demand of time. People will decide what they want. It is clear from his words that Ganajagran Manch can soon emerge as a political party.

However, there are doubts about how much success will be achieved by taking the demand of trial of war criminals to the political stage. Because many people support Ganjagran Manch as a non-political organization, but political analysts feel that it may be difficult to reach them if they wear political clothes.

It should be noted that on February 5, 2013, a group of young bloggers gathered to demand the maximum death penalty for Quader Molla. Afternoon turns to night, and night turns to morning. The crowd started to increase and turned into a sea of people. Regardless of party affiliation, everyone gathers at Shahbagh. And the government was with such a spontaneous movement and the law and order forces cooperated in it.

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ৭, ২০১৪ 9:48 am

Staff reporter

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