The Dhaka Times
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Grameenphone is bringing a feature phone at just 3800 taka, smartphone at 1700 taka

The Dhaka Times Desk Mobile phone operator Grameenphone-Symphony has been bringing 3G enabled smartphones for just 3,850 taka and feature phones for just 1700 taka in a few days.


With the advent of 3G, the number of 3G internet users is increasing day by day. It has been seen that Grameenphone has 10,000 new customers using 3G every day. About 25 percent of these customers are brand new customers. Apart from this, among the total Grameenphone customers, about four lakh customers are now taking 3G facilities. As a result, in line with the increase in the number of 3G subscribers, users can enjoy faster internet facilities, so Grameen Phone has decided to launch 3G enabled smartphones along with feature phones with 2G facilities. It is known that Grameenphone will set very affordable prices for these phones.

CEO of Grameen Phone conscience interest He said, “We can see that many of our customers are taking advantage of 3G. As a result, we are enabling more users to purchase 3G-enabled sets at affordable prices.”

He also said, "These sets will not be sold under Grameenphone's own brand, Grameenphone is going to bring affordable smartphone services based on its partnership with the domestic brand Symphony." Customers can purchase these sets from all Grameen Phone customer care centers.”

It should be noted that Grameenphone has 48 million subscribers across the country, 40 percent of Grameenphone's subscribers have already come under 3G. Grameenphone authorities said that the remaining part will also be brought under the 3G facility very soon. They also said that a $25 handset will be brought to customers at the end of the year in collaboration with Mozilla.

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