The Dhaka Times Desk ইলেট্রনিক্সের জগতে ‘গ্রাফিন’ খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ পদার্থ। কিছু সীমাবদ্ধতা থাকায় এতদিন যাবত বৃহৎ পরিসরে এর ব্যবহার নিশ্চিত করা যায়নি। সম্প্রতি স্যামসং গ্রাফিন ব্যবহারে ব্যাপক সাফল্য অর্জন করে।
Graphene is a compound of carbon. It is harder than diamond. Its conductivity is amazing. Graphene was discovered in 2004. Scientists have been researching it ever since. Until now, large-scale graphene could not be produced. Due to which it was not used in the equipment.
Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology and Sangkunkan University have been researching graphene since 2006, funded by the Korean Ministry of Science. Recently, they have developed a new method to produce large-scale graphene. Previously, large-scale graphene could be produced but some key properties were lost. But Samsung's invented method keeps all its qualities fairly intact.
This is a great discovery. Its use will gradually increase in the world of electronics. Maybe someday everything will depend on graphene. High consumption of silicon has led to its availability. In addition, its price has also increased. In this case, the use of graphene will reduce the use of silicon and provide better coordination.
However, graphene still has some limitations. Samsung says they are in the process. These limitations will soon be overcome. So graphene won't be seen anytime soon. We have to wait for a few more days.
If the use of graphene is confirmed, incredible development will be achieved in wearable electronics, mobile technology etc. Technology will advance further. So we have to wait a little longer to welcome graphene.
Source: Mashable
This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ৯, ২০১৪ 4:45 pm
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