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Bananas are very beneficial for health

The Dhaka Times Desk Banana is an easily available fruit. That's why we don't have much of a headache about it. We don't give that much importance because it's easily available. But this banana is very beneficial for health. Let's find out what are the qualities of bananas.


Bananas are relatively cheap in terms of price. This banana has a lot of nutrients and nutritional value. Below are the nutritional benefits of bananas:

# Banana is effective in lowering blood pressure and even preventing stroke.

# Banana also helps in digestion of other foods. Constipation is relieved due to sufficient fiber.

# Banana is very easily digested which provides quick energy to the body to relieve fatigue.

# Banana contains minerals like potassium, phosphorus, calcium and iron. Banana is a very useful fruit to reduce constipation.

#, experts say, softens the stomach lining and therefore helps reduce the discomfort of ulcers. On the other hand, those who have acidity can eat bananas to reduce heartburn.

# Banana Iron is particularly useful in the formation of hemoglobin in the blood. So banana is especially useful in anemia.

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