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Five-year-old child caught game console Xbox error!

The Dhaka Times Desk He is only five years old. It was at this age that he discovered the flaws of Xbox, the popular gaming console made by Microsoft. This is the first instance of such work at such a young age.

Christopher von Hassel, he was only five years old. Christopher is very fond of playing games. Xbox console is his favorite for playing games. As a result, he told his father that he would sit and play games on his father's Xbox. However, father always let him open the password and play games on Xbox.

Christopher von Hassel sits down to play games with his father's Xbox one day in his father's absence, but the Xbox asks for a password before it can be turned on. Christopher gave the wrong password to the Xbox without telling the password given by his father. This will bring up another window asking you to enter the correct password. Christopher Von Hassel now presses space once and the Xbox shows up in the original password window, and when Christopher enters there, the Xbox turns on.


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Christopher von Hassel saw this and told his father that if someone stole his father's Xbox, he could easily play games on it. Christopher's father discovers that the wrong password on the Xbox can be broken by pressing the space bar.

Microsoft thanked five-year-old Christopher von Hassel for catching the security flaw when his father reported it to Microsoft. The BBC reported that Microsoft had already fixed the security flaw.

Source: The Tech Journal

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২৮, ২০২২ 12:52 pm


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