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Many diseases can be diagnosed just by looking at your eyes

The Dhaka Times Desk The eyes not only tell about the mind, but the eyes also tell about many diseases. So it will not be good to see. Regular eye exams should be done. If there is any other disease it will also be caught.

apr 09, 2014 14 18

As seen in a National Geographic video, Dr. Neil Adams Lists a number of physical diseases that ophthalmologists can diagnose by examining the eyes. The eyeball carries symptoms of many diseases such as diabetes, nutritional deficiencies, heart disease, and nerve damage.

Let's see what the symptoms of eye disease look like:

  • Abnormally shaped or blood-red veins in the eyes are signs of heart disease. This is especially the case with high blood pressure. In this case, blood spots are sometimes seen.

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  • Severe stress affects the eyes as well as the rest of the body. Dr. According to Adams, physical pressure causes the cells behind the eye to secrete fluid. It looks like a blister on the retina.

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  •  Brown around the eyeball and dark in the center is called posterior synechiae. This condition occurs when the iris adheres to the eye lens. Usually the lens iris is somewhat distant. These symptoms indicate other inflammations in the body.

apr 09, 2014 14 55

Watch the amazing National Geographic video here

Source: Business Insider

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