Categories: Science-invention

NASA will hit the chest of the moon!

The Dhaka Times Desk He was sent to study dust in the moon's atmosphere. That is not possible, but he is going to end his life by hitting the ground of the moon. This week, NASA said that their lunar rover named LADEE is going to hit the moon within this month.

Study of Moon's atmosphere and dust LADEE was sent to the Moon on September 7, 2013 to do so. The probable duration of the campaign was about 100 days. Within a month of launch, LADEE enters lunar orbit and begins orbiting the moon. After that, LADEE started sending data to scientists. This spacecraft holds the record for sending data from space at a speed of 600 megabytes per second. Many scientists are impressed by the success of LADEE and predict that in the near future, scientists will be able to watch three-dimensional videos of space while sitting on Earth.

In a news release about the outcome of the $280 million project, NASA scientists said, 'Due to a fuel crisis, LADEE will crash into the Moon sometime on or before April 21. Rick Elphick, the scientist of the project, said, 'falling at a speed of 1600 meters per second certainly cannot be called a normal landing. So it is understood that LADEE will be destroyed.' However, disappointing the enthusiasts, NASA said, 'This event cannot be seen from Earth. Even the moon will remain as it is.' On the other hand, NASA has also organized a guessing contest to determine when LADEE might collide.

References: The Tech Journal

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ১২, ২০১৪ 10:56 am


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