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Using technology to increase the skills of football players!

The Dhaka Times Desk With the development of technology, its use has started in all fields. Sports are not far behind. Recently technology has started to be used worldwide to enhance the skills of football players. Which is very useful.


Apart from physical skills, soccer players also need to know a lot of information. A player needs to know how any player of the opposing team plays, where are his weaknesses, where are his strengths, what is their game plan etc. For this, the coach tries to explain everything with black board and chalk.

But now the days of chalk, black board are over. Now coaches are coaching with laptop and internet. Efforts are being made to enrich the players with as much information as possible. In keeping with the era, the use of modern technology in sports is increasing. As a result, the skill of the players is increasing.


Although different countries of the world use technology in football games, Germany is one step ahead of all. They are preparing vigorously for the upcoming World Cup.

SAP company has developed a software called 'HANA' for the German national team players ahead of the World Cup. For this they used database management system. Hana will help players analyze various data using the database. Bundesliga side Hoffenheim have already tested it and got good results.


In addition, SAP has developed a social application for the players of the German national team. Through this, players can keep in touch with each other even if they are not playing.

Hopefully, the use of technology will make the game of football more competitive. This will increase the joy of football many times.

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