The Dhaka Times Desk Bengal is going to enter from 1420 to 1421. Bengali and Bengali New Year are scattered all over the world and are the festival of Bengali life. United States Government congratulated Bengalis in solidarity with this celebration of life.
Last Friday, US Secretary of State John Kerry greeted all Bengali speakers around the world at the beginning of Bengali New Year. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he said in his greeting message, "As you celebrate the first day of the Bengali New Year, I extend warm greetings on behalf of President Barack Obama and the people of the United States to all Bengali-speaking people around the world." The United States stands with you in this celebration of the vibrant culture of the Bengali people."
John Kerry also said in his message that Bengali cultural heritage, literature, music and art have influenced the United States in many ways. The US Secretary of State said, "When you celebrate this festival of your life with family and friends, you will know that the United States is like a friend by your side." Happy New Year to all Bengali speakers.”
John Kerry is the 68th Secretary of State of the United States. Since February 1, 2013, he has served as the Secretary of State of the United States Government.
This post was last modified on April 16, 2014 at 10:45 am
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