The Dhaka Times
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BNP leader Abdul Awal Mintu will reveal his genetic characteristics

The Dhaka Times Desk BNP leader and prominent businessman Abdul Awal Mintu will reveal his genetic characteristics. He is going to take this achievement as the first Bangladeshi.

Abdul Awal Mintu

Abdul Awal Mintu told the media, "I have decided to reveal my genetic makeup as the first Bangladeshi. He said, geneticists at BGI will reveal my genetic makeup.”

Abdul Awal Mintu added, "Beijing Genome Institute (BGI) geneticists will extract my 'genome sequence'."

The genome is an arrangement or pattern of genetic characteristics of an animal or plant. The characteristics of that animal or plant depend on this design.

Note that this is the first attempt to uncover a gene sequence in Bangladesh. It will take up to 6 months to unravel this genetic makeup.

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