The Dhaka Times
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None of us in the family feel safe: Rizwana at press conference

The Dhaka Times Desk Syed Rizwana Hasan, chief executive director of Bela, said in a press conference at his home, "We do not feel any safety in the family."

Syed Rizwana Hasan

Syed Rizwana Hasan also said in the press conference held at his residence in the capital at 5 o'clock, "It is still not clear why my husband was kidnapped." Actually it will take time to understand whether it is planned or unplanned. He thinks that it will come out after the inquiry which has been formed by the 5-member inquiry committee.

Expressing gratitude to everyone, Rizwana also said, "I express my gratitude to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia for their cooperation and sympathy for their sincerity in expressing their support and sympathy for the recovery of my husband." He especially thanked the media. Rizwan's husband Abu Bakar Siddique was also present at the press conference.

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