The Dhaka Times
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AB Siddique abduction mystery not over: Investigation team is moving forward with 4 suspects

The Dhaka Times Desk The mystery of the abduction of Abu Bakar Siddique, the husband of Syeda Rizwana Hasan, the chief executive of Environmental Lawyers Association, is still not over. The investigation team is proceeding with four suspects.

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The high-level investigation team of the police has entered the field to unravel the mystery of the kidnapping of Abu Bakar Siddique. Yesterday, a 5-member team led by Dhaka Metropolitan Police Additional Commissioner Sheikh Maruf Hasan, head of the investigation team, visited the scene in Narayanganj. News from media sources.

Sources said, the investigation team has started investigating the abduction mystery keeping 4 issues in front for now. These are-

1. The group is aggrieved by Rizwana's actions on the environment

2. personal matter

3. Has anyone planned this incident to embarrass the government or not?

4. Was this abduction done by a gang of professional kidnappers just for money?

The police are also trying to identify the car of the kidnappers by collecting the CCTV camera footage installed in front of several big establishments around the Ansan camp in Paikpara of the capital where the kidnappers left Abu Bakr.

However, even after several days of the abduction incident, the real mystery has not yet been revealed. Everything remains out of reach. The investigation is going on taking into consideration all the above 4 reasons or something else. Police hope they will find a solution.

It is to be noted that Abu Bakar Siddique, the husband of Syeda Rizwana Hasan, Chief Executive Officer of Environment Lawyers Association, was abducted while returning from his workplace. The kidnappers released him the following night during a massive police operation.

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