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Good news for diabetics: You don't need to "cut out" rice to keep your weight under control!

The Dhaka Times Desk Diabetic patients do not eat rice at night. The reason for this is weight control. But researchers are saying something different. They say, there is no need to "cut out" rice to keep weight under control! Naturally, this is good news for diabetics.


According to the online magazine, "Many people cut down on rice while trying to control their weight. This is because most of the people think that eating rice will make you fat, rice increases weight. But researchers have changed this age-old mindset. According to the researchers, normal weight can be maintained even if rice is eaten daily. The researchers, however, also recommend eating a nutritious diet, including enough fruits, vegetables, meat and beans."

Lead researcher Theresa Nicklaus of Baylor College of Medicine conducted an observation through the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2005-2010. He conducted a study on 14,000 American adults. The study was conducted among those who were accustomed to eating rice and those who consumed the nutrient. The study was recently published in a journal of Food and Nutrition Science.

According to researcher Niklas, their tests showed that people who eat rice regularly and also follow the nutritional guidelines have a lot of potassium, magnesium, iron, folate and fiber in their bodies. He found that these people had lower amounts of saturated fat and sugar. He also said that even if you eat vegetables, fruits, meat and non-vegetarian food along with rice, the amount of fat in the body is limited, so the weight is also under control.

Therefore, researchers think, there is no need to exclude rice from the diet to control weight. But the necessary foods must be eaten. As a result, the balance of the body will be maintained and the weight will not increase.

The researchers said that each person has different daily rice needs. It totally depends on body type, gender and type of work. And so if you want to control weight, you must consult with a nutritionist to determine how much rice can be eaten daily. References: Daily Mail Online.

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