The Dhaka Times Desk About 80 percent of adults like to think of themselves as confident. But at the end of the psychological test, it can be seen that most of them have low self-confidence. So today we will show readers how to increase confidence.
Good food in daily life, good health helps to boost confidence. A fresh breath in a beautiful environment, cleanliness of oneself gives a good feeling which invigorates a person's inner confidence. Psychologists say that it is very important to have self-confidence, because the only tool to survive in this competitive world is to have self-confidence. Self-confidence plays the best role in increasing the love of life or a little joyful situation in daily life. When you feel confident within yourself, you can reach your goals, and you can positively influence the people around you. Socializing is the best way to boost confidence. Your contact rate will continue to increase as a result of socializing. As a result, contact with them will bring about a pleasant change in you which will increase your confidence. Below are some more things to increase confidence.
1. Avoid critics
You will find many such people around you who are critical of almost every aspect of society. Lest people say something, once this thought enters you, it will not be possible for you to move forward. These critics of the environment will criticize even if you advance and will criticize even if you fall behind. Critics will provide fuel to burn your inner strength and with that fuel you yourself will burn your inner confident self. Surround yourself with positive thinking people. Surround yourself with positive thinking people and feel good about yourself.
2. take a trip
Traveling is one of the ways to boost confidence. All the beautiful places you will visit as a result of traveling will give your brain a pleasant feeling. Environment has an important influence on our daily life. When working, your environment within a certain boundary creates a negative effect on you. To prevent this negative effect from taking root in you, visit a beautiful place during the holidays. Travel also increases work speed. The experience you gain from traveling will help you think about life differently. Remove your negative feelings and bring positive feelings into you.
3. Spend some time for yourself
In a busy day we spend our time for our family, relatives, or friends, at the end of the day keep some time for yourself to think only about yourself. How was your whole day? Did you manage to finish all your work today? Or what is your feeling at the end of the day? Think about yourself around these things. It will increase your connection with your inner man. You will understand yourself, it will be easier to identify where your weaknesses lie or what work gives you pleasure.
4. Increase your knowledge
Manishi says the more knowledge you gain, the more you will know yourself. There is no limit to knowledge so learn or know something whenever you get time. Knowing gives a pleasant feeling inside the person. It will enrich your mind and psyche. The result will bring confidence in you. Knowledge awakens the good within man.
5. Do some physical exercise every day
As a result of physical exercise, the body's blood flow returns to normal speed. As a result, your brain does not have to speed up in thinking. This way you can take the right decision at the right time. Moreover, doctors say that as a result of physical exercise, a kind of stamina is created in the body, which strengthens the confidence in the person.
Also outwardly neatness of clothing increases confidence in people. When you go through the motions of cleaning clothes, you will find momentum in the work that is built on your confidence. Forget the negative times of the past and focus on the positive times. Because it will increase your confidence by creating purity of your thoughts.
Reference: Pickdabrain
This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ২৫, ২০১৪ 8:31 am
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