Dhaka Times Desk The mobile phone operator Grameenphone has introduced 10 second pulse and flat tariff in all packages before the fixed time of BTRC. Due to the number of customers, it was not possible to complete this work within the stipulated time. But it is said that now it is possible to do it easily with one month's time.
He said, "Although it took a little longer, the 10-second pulse and flat rate have been fully implemented from Sunday. Despite the desire, the instructions of BTRC could not be fully implemented within the stipulated time.”
Incidentally, Grameenphone could not start the 10 second pulse within the last 15 September according to the ultimatum of the regulatory body BTRC, even after taking two rounds of time. As a result, BTRC ordered Grameenphone to return the extra money taken from the customers on September 17 as a result of not being able to fully launch the 10 second pulse at the scheduled time.
BTRC's notice directed Grameenphone to bring maximum 10 second pulse and flat rate tariff in all remaining packages. BTRC ordered to return the extra money earned from the packages in which the operator has not introduced 10 second pulse by October 23.
Meanwhile, another operator Banglalink has also introduced 10 second pulse after the scheduled time in all packages. BTRC has also given notice to this company. Banglalink has also been asked to return the excess money taken from the customer by October 23.