The Dhaka Times
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Apple is bringing low-cost MacBook Air!

The Dhaka Times Desk Apple has already announced the release of the new version of the MacBook Air notebook. This low-cost MacBook Air ditches Apple's powerful processor but cuts the price by about $100.


The current price of this MacBook Air with 128 GB storage capacity and 11-inch screen will be 899 US dollars. In addition, the price of the 13-inch screen MacBook Air will be 1199 USD with a storage capacity of 256 GB. Apple announced the new version of this laptop computer last Thursday. It has fourth generation Intel Core i5 and Core i7 processors. Apple says, this new generation processor will be accompanied by Apple's new operating system OSX Mavenrix. Also its battery life has been extended. The 13-inch model will have a battery life of 12 hours and the 11-inch model will have a battery life of 9 hours.


Due to the popularity of Apple, there was some expectation that Apple would introduce a new low-cost product in the market. According to Apple parent blog NineTwoFiveMac, Apple is developing a hybrid 12-inch MacBook. Which will be more powerful than the 11-inch running MacBook Air. Phil Schiller, Apple's head of marketing, said, 'Apple has set the price of the MacBook Air at $899. It is doubtful whether Apple can offer equivalent hardware for less than this price. Apple not only focuses on customer value, but also on product quality'.

However, since the past years, the price hike of Apple products has led to an anti-Apple movement. They have been pushing Apple for years to lower the price of Apple products.

Reference: CNN 

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