The Dhaka Times
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This time Jeet is acting with Moushumi in the Indian Bengali film

The Dhaka Times Desk This time Jeet is acting with Moushumi in the Indian Bengali film. It is said that the shooting of this film will start soon.


The name of the film is 'Upam'. The film will be directed by Raju Ahmed. Moushumi will play the central role of the movie. Actor Jeet, who is known as the King of Kolkata, will act as his hero in the film. Omar Sunny will play the role of the villain in this film.

Director Raju Ahmed told the media, 'Discussions with Jeet have been finalized. He also agreed to act with Moushumi. Jeet will sign the contract soon. The shooting of the film will begin next month.


Most of the shooting will be done in Dubai and London due to the story. The work of shooting in Dhaka will be done later.

Moushumi said about working on the analogy, "The film will be done in different locations. I like it. Moreover, the story has progressed around me. Mousumi said, I also like Jeet and Omar Sunny as co-star. He said, I hope all three fans will enjoy the film.

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