The Dhaka Times
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Find out what is the nutritional quality of brown or white eggs

The Dhaka Times Desk The question is which egg is more nutritious, brown eggs or white eggs. But experts say otherwise. They say both types of eggs are good for health.


Nutritionist 'Alejandra Kaspro' who has been advising on weight management for many years. He said, 'Both types of eggs are very beneficial for health. Both eggs have equal nutritional value. Eggs contain 70 grams of calories, 6 grams of protein and a certain amount of vitamin-B. However, it is true that brown eggs are better than white eggs when mixed with pasta, flour and bread. In this case, brown eggs are more healthy than white eggs.'


White-winged hens lay white eggs and brown-winged hens lay brown eggs. In this case there is no reason to vary the nutrition. But even after that why this saying is popular is because the market price of brown eggs is less expensive than white eggs so it has quickly become a part of meeting the nutritional needs of people. It has been said that brown eggs are more nutritious than white eggs. But brown eggs actually cost more to produce than white eggs because brown-winged chickens eat more food than white-winged chickens. As a result, the farmer has to spend more on this food.


But yes, there may be exceptional quality differences. It depends a lot on what the farmer is feeding them. Many people think that there is a difference between country chicken and farm chicken. In this case, all domestic chickens lay almost white eggs, while farm chickens usually lay brown eggs. Farm hens are both born and raised at an artificially accelerated rate and die at an accelerated rate so that the nutritional content of their eggs is the same. Yes, chickens raised in cages are fed nutritious food. But this will not make any difference in the basic nutritional content of chicken eggs. But recently Chromium and high antibiotics were found in the chickens of the farm in Bangladesh! As a result, these chickens have appeared as a terrible poison for the human body. So, while buying chicken eggs, there is no need to look at the color of the eggs because both eggs are equally nutritious. However, due to the use of chemicals in farm chicken feed, it is better to prefer the white eggs of local chickens.

Reference: Fox News

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