Categories: entertainment

Check out the amazing pictures, watch again if you don't understand…

The Dhaka Times Desk For ages animals, birds and insects have adopted camouflage to survive. Wondering? really so In need of hiding, they assume such a shape that it becomes very difficult to find them. Nature has made them like this for safety.

এখানে সব কিন্তু শুকনো পাতা নয়। একটি চারপেয়ে আছে কিনা দেখুন…

Here are some amazing pictures for you. At first you might think, what is this? Nothing to be surprised about. I tell you, look again. The pictures will amaze you.

Something mixed with the stones?

Monkey on dog's back

গাছের বাকলে খুব ভাল করে খেয়াল করে দেখুন…একটি মাকড়সা

Here is an insect. If there were no legs, it might not have been seen.

Are both flowers? Is there anything with him?

Have you seen the strange match with the color of the leaves?

এটি একটি প্রজাপতি…

ভাল করে খুঁজে দেখলে একটি মাছ দেখতে পাবেন…

এখানে সব কিন্তু পাতা নয়…

It's a frog

Well look, it's a frog too

গাছের সাথে মিশে আছে একটি বড় পাখি…


the crab

colorful fish

Another frog

A long insect is mixed with the leaves

Source: Viralnova

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This post was last modified on মে ৫, ২০১৪ 4:55 pm

ABM Noorullah

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