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See how many types of tiny animals live in a drop of sea water

The Dhaka Times Desk Imagine you swallow a drop of ocean water. If you thought you just swallowed some salt water, you are completely wrong. Because a drop of ocean water contains the larvae of many unnamed tiny creatures, tiny plants we know as phytoplankton.


'David Listzwager' An award-winning photographer of marine biology. He took a wonderful picture of a drop of water in the sea. Magnifying this picture of him 25 times, it can be seen that a drop of sea water contains the larvae of many unknown animals and small aquatic plants. Even if a drop of sea water has a salty taste, it does not carry only salt. It contains bacteria, worms, fish eggs, crab larvae, diatoms and phytoplankton. The different characteristics of various small animals in a drop of sea water are highlighted below.

1. Crab larvae

Crab larvae are so transparent that they cannot be identified without 25x magnification. They are better identified after magnification. Their size is not more than a few millimeters. Crabs are animals of the order Arthropoda.

2. Cyanobacteria

Cyanobacteria in water droplets resemble tungsten in a filament lamp. Cyanobacteria are a type of protocellular organism. That is, they have been there since the beginning of the creation of life on earth. Moreover, they make their own food in the process of photosynthesis. Their role in the production of oxygen in sea water is the highest.


3. Diatoms

Looking like a box, they are mainly made up of various algae and silica cells. After they die, they sink to the bottom of the ocean.

4. Zooplankton

Copepods are more commonly known as zooplankton. They look a lot like shrimp. Copepods are zooplankton, the most abundant animal in sea water.

There are also planktonic animals called cyanogaths. Various fish eggs and seawater breeding worms. This shows that these animals have the ability to survive in harsh environments. Because they have the ability to survive in the salty sea water.

Reference: Borpanda

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