Categories: international news

Samsung fined 119 million dollars for breaking the law by using Apple's patents!

The Dhaka Times Desk Samsung has been fined by the US court for patent infringement. As a result, the Apple company will have to pay a fine of 119.6 million US dollars to the Samsung company.


The US Federal Court ruled that the Samsung company had used Apple's patents in their products without permission. The Apple company demanded $2 billion in fines in this lawsuit. But the court after reviewing and considering all the facts finally awarded this fine. Samsung company uses two patented features of Apple in their smartphone products in violation of the patent law. Apple alleges that Samsung has used five of Apple's patents without permission in its own products in violation of patent law. One of them is the system of unlocking smartphones through slides. This system is an invention of Apple and is used in Apple's iPhone smartphones. Samsung uses it in their latest version of Galaxy Galaxy S5.

Samsung, as usual, says that they have not violated any patent laws. Instead, Apple used two of their patents in their own products. One of them is the use of cameras and the other is video transmission. Samsung demanded 6 million US dollars from the court for this patent infringement. Brian Love, professor of law at Santa Clara University, believes that the Apple company has benefited more from this patent law complaint. Apple actually received less than 10 percent of the original claim, even though it was less than what Apple was demanding based on the lawsuit's allegations.

With this ruling, the patent war between two major companies in the smartphone world ended. Apple and Samsung have been fighting over patents in various countries' courts for the past few years. Two years ago, two courts fined Samsung $930 million in separate rulings.

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Reference: BBC

This post was last modified on মে ৫, ২০১৪ 4:39 pm

KA B Tohin

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