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Hartal is going on in Narayanganj

The Dhaka Times Desk Narayanganj lawyer Chandan Sarkar is on a morning-evening hartal on the call of the District Lawyers Association in connection with the abduction and murder of seven people. No vehicles including rickshaws, buses, trains are plying during the strike.

(file image)

Leaders of various social, cultural and left parties along with 18-party alliances held fragmented marches and rallies in the city in support of the hartal since early Sunday. At this time they raised slogans demanding the execution of the murderer. Meanwhile, the strikers vandalized a bus in front of Narayanganj Press Club at 7 am. In addition, at 7 in the morning, the strikers vandalized a bus (Narayanganj-B 02-0073) in front of the Noor Mosque located in the Chashadha area of the city.

সকাল থেকে বিভিন্ন সংগঠনের ব্যানারে হরতালের সমর্থনে নারায়ণগঞ্জ-কমলাপুর রেলপথের চাষাঢ়া এলাকায় রেলপথ অবরোধ করে রাখে তারা। ফলে বন্ধ হয়ে যায় রেল যোগাযোগ। এ বিষয়ে নারায়ণগঞ্জ রেলস্টেশনের স্টেশন মাস্টার গোলাম মোস্তফা জানান, ‘সকালে ঢাকার কমলাপুর থেকে নারায়ণগঞ্জ উদ্দেশ্যে একটি ট্রেন ছেড়ে আসলেও হরতাল ও রেলপথ অবরোধের কারণে সেটি আর নারায়ণগঞ্জে আসতে পারেনি।’

District Bar Association President in support of the strike Sakhawat Hussain Khan He said, 'People from all walks of life in Narayanganj are spontaneously observing hartal due to seven murders. Lawyers gathered in front of Narayanganj Press Club at 10 am in support of the strike.

Police Superintendent of Narayanganj Khandkar Mahid Uddin said that the law and order situation in the district is normal. No untoward incident has been reported so far. BGB, Police and RAB are deployed at important points in the city. The police are ready to take immediate action if any incident is reported.

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Meanwhile, traffic on the Dhaka-Chittagong and Dhaka-Sylhet highways is normal during the strike. From beehives to signboards on the highway, the supporters of City Corporation Panel Mayor Nazrul Islam were supposed to participate in the strike, but none of them took to the streets so far.

This post was last modified on মে ৪, ২০১৪ 2:06 pm


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