Categories: Science-invention

Artificial meat is being made in the laboratory: find out how it is possible!

The Dhaka Times Desk A festival was held in the southern United States last month. At the event, a man named Andrej Fargex invited everyone to eat a science fiction meal. The food is lab-grown artificial meat.

Fargex produced a small pink steak before making this announcement. He named it Steak Chips. Then invite everyone to taste it. It looks pretty ordinary, but it was created in the laboratory from a real animal cell. Michael Wang, a program manager at the festival, ate the steak and said it was really tasty and just like real meat.

Fargex is the founder and CEO of a company called Modern Meadow. The new company produces artificial meat and leather through technological development in the lab. This is called tissue culture meat or test tube meat. Like other common entrepreneurs, he thinks of creating something new that will be useful to people. He said, in this development of technology, we are getting a lot and accepting it. But why not artificial food that will satisfy our food needs. From nutritional point of view, this process of artificial food is very difficult to reach the public. Because people believe in organic food. It is ingrained in them that nothing but organic food can meet their nutritional needs. According to a recent survey, about 80 percent of people in the United States think that biotech foods are harmful to the body, so they are not interested in eating these foods.

The promoters of tissue culture food believe that the increasing human demand for meat will have an adverse effect on the environment. Because in meeting this demand for meat, many things of the environment are being destroyed. According to the United Nations report, 14.5 percent of the world's people are affected by the harmful effects of greenhouse gases. Moreover, about 18 percent people do not have access to clean water. In such a situation it is urgent to reduce the pressure on our environment to bring this world to a normal state. And in this case artificial food or test tube food can play a good role. Increasing demand for test tube meat will reduce demand for farm animals. As a result, the pressure on forestry or trees will be reduced. Biz Stone, one of the founders of Twitter, also said the same thing. He said, we cannot continue to supply animal meat for 7 billion people. Because to do this, the trees have to be cut down. We cannot jeopardize our future by meeting the demand for meat. So we should now look at alternative foods.

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Many biotechnology companies are now developing alternative foods. In addition to meat, different types of soy, beans and different proteins are integrated in heat. Test tube food is then mixed with meat proteins and other parts. A company called Hampton has been given $30 million to meet the demand for eggs through plant-based foods. Another company called Vegan, co-owned by Twitter founder Biz Stone, has invested in Solent, a drink that will meet the nutritional needs of the human body. Besides, many more companies are turning towards alternative food production. But among them, Modern Meadow has created an exceptional example. The company started out in 2011 by making artificial leather, but is currently making artificial meat. Regarding the production of this cultured meat of his organization, Forgex said, if we waste more materials and produce this meat, it will be a loss instead of a profit. There will be wastage of resources. So we have to focus on that as well. Modern Meadow uses a special process to produce this type of cultured meat. They take a cell from beef muscle. He is then immersed in a protein solution in a test tube. A small sample is allowed to grow inside an incubator. It is then layered onto a petri dish. 3D printer is used in this process. The entire process takes about a week to complete.

The process of making this meat through tissue culture in artificial process is quite expensive and food preparation in this process must focus on the nutritional quality of the meat as well as the nutritional content. So it is not possible to bring it to market very quickly without sponsorship. But the entrepreneurs are quite optimistic that they will be able to bring it to the market very soon. Moreover, it has not yet received recognition from the Department of Health. Among them, the main obstacle is that it is said that these lab-made meats are at risk of infection with various bacteria and pesticides. Besides, it can produce many hormones that are harmful to the body by making major changes in the body mechanism. Health experts believe that it will cause a great risk to health. As a result, a major challenge for its entrepreneurs is to attract the attention of buyers because if the buyers are not attracted to this meat, the production process will be appreciated only as a scientific experiment, and will not be of any use in actual human welfare. Other companies, such as Modern Mido, which are making artificial foods, tissue culture meats, or test tube foods, say manufacturing is not such a large-scale problem. Very soon they will be able to market such food, meat. But the main hurdle is government recognition and people's trust. People still think that such foods are of no use to them. As a result, the government has not yet considered it as a recognized food. However, entrepreneurs believe that by 2030, a large part of the world's population will be dependent on such foods.

Reference: CNN

This post was last modified on মে ৬, ২০১৪ 3:46 pm

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