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Case dismissed in court: There is no bar in preserving Suchitra Sen's house

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no legal hurdle to preserve the ancestral home of Subcontinent's renowned film actress Suchitra Sen at Pabnastha and build a memorial museum there.

The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court, which sought permission to file an appeal against the High Court's order regarding 'leave to appeal' by the current occupant of the house, Imam Ghazzali Trust, was dismissed on Sunday. A 3-judge bench of the Appellate Division dismissed the petition. That is why there was no legal obstacle to preserve Suchitra Sen's ancestral home at Pabnastha and build a memorial museum there.

Additional Attorney General Murad Reza, the lawyer of the state, told the media that the instruction of this verdict of the Appellate Division was sent by fax yesterday to the Deputy Commissioner of Pabna to take possession of the house.

A notice to vacate the house was issued in 2009 after the lease of the Imam Ghazali Institute expired. But the company did not vacate the house, challenging the validity of the notice, they filed a writ petition in the High Court. The High Court dismissed the writ petition and also directed the government to de-occupy Suchitra Sen's ancestral house and set up a memorial for Suchitra Sen in that house.

It is to be noted that the famous film actress of the subcontinent Suchitra Sen was born on April 6, 1931 in her ancestral home. He spent his childhood and youth in this house in Pabna. Located in Hemsagar Lane, Gopalpur Mohalla, Pabna, Suchitra migrated to India in 1951 with her family. After independence the house was listed as vested property. In 1987, the Deputy Commissioner leased this house to the 'Imam Ghazzali Trust' on an annual contract basis. After that a school was established there in the name of the trust. But Pabna's Suchitra Sen Smriti Sanwar Parishad has been demanding the construction of a memorial museum in this house of famous actress Suchitra Sen for a long time. The demand for the death of the great heroine Suchitra Sen became stronger.

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This post was last modified on মে ৫, ২০১৪ 11:55 am

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