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Bees on the verge of extinction: the losses we face without bees [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk Bees are disappearing from the world recently. This will threaten the natural diversity and balance of the earth. Bees play a vital role in crop production all over the world. Let's find out what problems we have to face if we don't have bees.

Bees directly contribute to 100 percent of crop production worldwide in 90% cases. According to one study, bees save us over $30 billion in crop production worldwide. Bees help some plants grow new, in this case, without bees, those plants will grow less. As a result, animals that directly benefit from those plants and eat those plants to survive will die from lack of food. This will have a terrible impact on the food chain.

Meanwhile, bees are declining alarmingly. Reasons behind this are deforestation, global warming, unplanned urbanization, deforestation, use of pesticides in crops. This has made researchers think. Many consider this to be a sign of a natural disaster.

If bees were to disappear from the earth, we would have to artificially perform many of the natural jobs that bees do, from pollination to growing our crops. It would be very expensive, many poor countries would not be able to produce crops artificially. As a result, food shortages may occur across the country.

Therefore, we need to be aware now to avoid these calamities. It must be remembered that if we destroy the natural environment, then nature will surely show us its adverse effects.

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Source: BBC

This post was last modified on মে ৭, ২০১৪ 12:01 pm


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