Categories: recipe

Recipe: Chocolate milk

The Dhaka Times Desk We often buy chocolate milk from the store. We don't know how healthy these chocolate milks are. But we can easily make this chocolate milk with pure cow's milk. So let's know how to make this chocolate milk.


  • # cold milk one and a half liter
  • # sugar 1 cup
  • # Chocolate 5 Tbsp
  • # cocoa powder 5 tbsp
  • # ice cube slightly
  • prepared method

    First boil the milk well and thicken it. Now blend condensed milk with sugar, chocolate, cocoa powder together in a blender. Now serve in a glass with ice cubes.

    Many babies do not like to drink milk. But this chocolate milk is a favorite item for kids. Moreover, it is also very beneficial for health. And you can also give chocolate milk as an item of tiffin to kids.

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    This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৯, ২০২৪ 4:31 pm

    Laila Haque

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