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Research: People find expensive food tastier

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people jokingly say, this world is for eating. But no food comes for free. Recently research has revealed an interesting fact about food. People find expensive food tastier. Let's find out how this interesting research was done.


A group of researchers from Cornell University in New York conducted a study on the eating habits of 139 people. These people prefer Italian buffets in restaurants in city areas. Researchers set two prices for the same buffet (all-you-can-eat). 4 dollars for one team and 8 dollars for the other team.

Then after the meal, the consumers were asked to write about their name, the quality of the restaurant and the taste of the food. It found that those who paid $8 enjoyed their meal 11 percent more than consumers who paid $4. Even though both groups ate roughly the same amount, the cheap eaters were shy about eating more on their plates.


From the research data, it is known that those who eat expensive food in restaurants think the food is more delicious. That is, a relationship between price and taste of food has been found. Food prices first change people's perception of food quality. Which makes the food taste more delicious.

Brian Wiensink, one of the researchers, said: 'We were surprised to find that food price has a greater effect on food quantity than it does on food taste.'

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Source: dailymail

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