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Photographs of couples at some of the world's best wedding ceremonies

The Dhaka Times Desk A state of shock, an expensive gown and then slowly walking down the stage holding one's hand is a special moment of a wedding. Wedding is a special moment in every person's life. Everyone wants to capture that special moment. Today we will present to the readers some wedding photography images that have already earned the title of excellence.


The wedding ceremony took place in Lake Tahoe during winter. Almost all of the guests were wearing jackets, boots to protect themselves from the cold, the place was white with snow. Chrisman Studio's Aaron Morris was the photographer for the film. Capturing this special moment out in the cold was a real challenge.


About 24 percent of U.S. wedding ceremonies are held within the United States and 30 percent are held outside the United States. In some places permanent marriages persist. This is one such place. Mark Ridott of Ridott Studios was the photographer for this film. He says about the place, an artistic atmosphere prevails in places where weddings are always held.


Mark Ridott was the photographer for this film. Jennifer and Thomas, residents of Toronto, were married in Cuba. The venue was a beach wedding resort.


Chrisman was the photographer for this wedding photo. He said he did not have much time to take the picture. He didn't even know where to take the picture. The venue was Halfmoon Resort in the US. He gets a message from the hotel spa that a wedding needs to be photographed. He immediately reached there and took the picture. The day was overcast.


Photographer Greg Lumley took the photo on top of a dam in Cape Town, South Africa. He said it was a post-wedding reception. Both the bride and groom were dressed in wedding attire. He chose this place because its clear water covered the sky and made the place a scenic spot.


Sean McClellan is a photographer with McClellan Style Company. He took this picture of couples in New York City. The photo was taken at a location in Iceland where a US Navy plane crashed in 1970. The location is found using Google Maps and GPS. McClellan said the photo was actually taken at midnight, but because the location was at the North Pole, there was a different atmosphere.


The photographer for this photo is Greg Lumley. This picture can be called a dramatic scene. This photo was taken 100 km south of Kitchen Beach in Cape Town, South Africa. This amazing photo was captured at sunset.


McClellan styled this photo on the water off the shores of the Esmeralda Grand Hotel in the Blue Gulf of Mexico. He said, an underwater cave was selected to take this picture. But there was not enough light to take the picture. Finally some light was found and the picture was taken. But by then there was a big problem, the flight of 100 guests was canceled due to the delay in filming.

Wedding photography has carved a niche in the world of photography. Here are some famous wedding pictures. Which gives us a feeling of charm.

Reference: CNN

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