The Dhaka Times
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Misbehavior again: Mahmudullah banned for two matches

The Dhaka Times Desk The level of indecent behavior of Bangladeshi players is increasing gradually. For the second time Mahmudullah has been banned for two matches again for indecent behaviour.


Such incidents happen in all countries of the world. Famous players like Maradona have also been controversial for indecent behaviour. But the people of this country never expected this from the tigers of Bangladesh. And so every sports lover is saddened by such behavior of the players.

Mahmudullah, the former vice-captain of the national team, behaved in such an indecent manner after scoring a hundred runs against BCB North Zone at BKSP's No. 3 field on Monday. Match referee Shawkatur Rahman banned him for two matches due to such indecent behavior. The Walton Central captain was also fined a match fee. When he was summoned to a hearing at the end of the day's play, he was punished as he pleaded not guilty.

It should be noted that Mahmudullah was banned for one match for violating the conduct rules in the sixth round of the National Cricket League (NCL) last month.

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