Categories: special news

The government has decided to relax the powers of RAB in the field of legal operations

The Dhaka Times Desk The government has decided to relax the powers of the Rapid Action Battalion or RAB in the field of legal operations. From now on RAB will have to inform the police station of the concerned area if it goes on a legal operation in any area.

This principled decision was taken in the meeting of the law and order committee held in the ministry meeting room under the chairmanship of Industry Minister Amir Hossain Amur last Monday. In the meeting of this committee regarding law and order, it is said that this decision has been taken due to various types of complaints against RAB and various types of legal chaos related to RAB. It is also known from the meeting of the committee that from now on RAB will have to inform the police station of that area in advance. Also, RAB will no longer be able to carry out raids in plainclothes as it used to do in the past. President of the meeting, Amir Hossain Amu, in response to the questions of the journalists regarding the seven murders in Narayanganj, said that whoever is involved in the incident in Narayanganj will be found and brought to justice. Regarding RAB's involvement in this discussed incident, the president also said that if RAB is involved in this, then RAB will also have to face legal action. He also said that the head of RAB has already been relieved from his post.

In the meeting, the topic of increasing the spread of Yaba drugs across the country came up. As a result, in this cabinet meeting, it was decided to issue a red alert to control all types of drugs including Yaba. It is said to introduce stricter surveillance of drug smuggling at the border. Also a policy decision was taken that BSF and BGB will jointly work on border drug smuggling. Senior law and order officials including the Home Minister were present in this cabinet meeting.

This post was last modified on মে ৭, ২০১৪ 1:45 pm

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