Categories: apps

Best Android apps of the week for Android users

The Dhaka Times Desk As Android devices are gaining popularity, Android apps are becoming a symbol of trust for users day by day. Today we will look at the best Android apps of the week.

Motorola Boot Services

It is designed with cable only Moto X and Moto G device users in mind. Through this app you can further improve the system of turning on and off your device.

Download Link:

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Zooper By Beard

This is a widgets package app, through which you can decorate your device with 12 amazing widgets.

Download Link:


This is a wallpaper package, you can collect very beautiful wallpapers with this software package.

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This is a special theme that lets you customize your device like Paper.

Download Link:


This is a huge collection of numerous wallpapers, from here you can choose your favorite from thousands of wallpapers for your device.

Download Link:

Today Calendar

This is a more updated and feature packed app than the built in calendar. Which can be very useful for you.

Download Link:

Google Camera

Apart from their built-in camera, Google has released a new camera app, which will help you take photos with a better experience. Through this you can take pictures with better focus.

Download Link:

The Dhaka Times- Bengali Magazine

An online magazine with a commitment to keep the young generation ahead in information and technology The Dhaka Times Currently the biggest magazine in the country. Here you will find all kinds of information including tips, tutorials, recipes, travel guide lines, latest technology news outside the so called online newspaper genre.

Download link

Google Play Store

Source: Androidandme

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ৪, ২০১৪ 7:38 am


"Great as father's money, poor as my own money. Ultimate I consider myself poor. Because of father's money, Futani Marina."

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