Categories: health talk

How to control acidity in the initial stage

The Dhaka Times Desk There are some simple ways to control ACID in the early stages. Various types of discomfort in the stomach, nausea are the main symptoms of acidity. Today's discussion on how to control acidity in the initial stage.

Basically our daily diet and hot weather are enough to cause acidity. In the early stages, acidity can be controlled with simple dietary habits without medication.

If you feel slight acidity or gas, you can immediately do something easily:

# Drink lukewarm water with a pinch of salt.

# Eat chewy ginger or chewy gum.

# Pour lukewarm water on the feet.

# Take acidity regulator medicine.

Ways to control acidity or gas at all times:

Try to drink 1 TP5T can of water at least once a day.

Boil # mint leaves in water and drink that water twice a day.

# soak fennel in water overnight and drink it next morning with 1 teaspoon of honey in water.

# Boil 1 tablespoon of sa-jira in one and a half liter of water for 15 minutes and drink while lukewarm. You can drink it 2/3 times a day.

# Include watermelon, banana, cucumber and raw papaya in your daily diet. Especially watermelon juice and raw papaya are very effective in curing acidity.

# Fennel, Ginger, Lemon, Sour Yogurt is very fast acting in relieving acidity or gas.

# Drink a glass of cold milk daily (if there is no milk allergy problem).

# Put cardamom/cloves in mouth after meal to keep mouth fresh and reduce gas.

# Drink lemon juice an hour before lunch. It will reduce discomfort after meals.

Some other general rules:

1. Eat small meals every 2/3 hours after not eating for a long time. It reduces the tendency of acidity.

2. Instead of eating too fast, eat slowly.

3. Avoid the habit of eating too much at one time.

4. Avoid high oil and spicy foods.

5. Do light exercise every day.

6. Eat dinner at least 2/3 hours before going to bed.

If you follow the above rules, you can stay away from acidity to some extent.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৯, ২০২৪ 11:15 am

Bipasha Rahman

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