The Dhaka Times
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Bappi-Parimoni is the new pair of Bengali films

The Dhaka Times Desk The heroine of the much-discussed film about the tragedy of Rana Plaza, Parimoni is going to team up with Bappi. It is believed that this pair of Bengali films will create a stir in the world of cinema.


It is known that the new pair of actor Bappi and actress Parimoni will act as a pair for the first time in the film 'Bhalobasaye Many Jalla' directed by Omar Farooq.

Bappi, the busy hero of Dhaka films, is acting in a pair with Mahiya Mahi in most of the films. But recently started working with other heroines to change this trend a bit.

Bappi told the reporters about pairing up with Parimoni, 'This is the first time I am going to work with Parimoni. Even though no film has been released starring Parimoni, she is widely known for her role in the film 'Rana Plaza'. Hopefully, our pair will be accepted by the audience.'

Apart from Bappi-Pirimony, the movie 'Valobasaye Many Burns' produced by Matrichaya Kathachitra also features Misha Saudagar, Aliraj, Rebecca etc.

It is to be noted that the shooting of the film 'Valobasaye Many Jal' based on the story of Kasem Ali Dulal will start from July 8.

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