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An eight-legged kid was born on a farm in Croatia

The Dhaka Times Desk An eight-legged baby goat has been born on a farm in northern Croatia. The baby goat was born with both male and female organs on the Kutjevu farm of a man named Joran Pepperix.


Local veterinarian Pepperix said about the birth that the baby goat was born with eight legs due to genetic growth immaturity of its parents. Pepperix named his baby goat Sarka. He said that before Sarka was born, he thought two healthy chicks would be born. "I counted the number of feet but couldn't be sure so I told my neighbors I wasn't crazy," he said.


Pepperix says, some call it the Octagot, and some call it the Miracle of Nature. Interestingly, the baby goat is still alive and well. But local vets think it may not survive. Pepperix named it Double Trouble. Pepperix said having eight legs instead of four caused more problems for him.


The local vet said, luckily, the baby goat is alive. But if he could live like this for one more week. But he can definitely survive for another two or three years. This baby goat has two limbs each. The baby goat is still unable to stand on its own feet. However, the vet said, he will be able to stand up if he overcomes his current body condition.

Reference: The Daily Mail

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