The Dhaka Times Desk Seeing children makes us feel better. If you see them dressed in different choices, how would you like it? Various photographers have captured mind-blowing pictures of newborn babies. Our today's arrangement is by putting them together.
Various photographers have taken pictures here. However, it is not possible to take pictures of children in their preferred position, so they were taken while they were sleeping. But in this way they look like angels. Let's see the children…
Balloon parachute…
sleeping princess…
In primeval climate…
In various devices…
In a woolen basket…
In a small bed...
In the bicycle basket...
In the briefcase…
In a woolen hat…
great learning…
On the little purple bed…
On the bed of books…
Deer and Army…
In a game of pool…
On the ball…
In the helmet…
friend dog…
on the guitar…
rugby player…
On top of the helmet…
Source: buzzfeed