Categories: health talk

Some essential tips on facial skin care for men

The Dhaka Times Desk Usually men take less care of their skin. But does men need skin care? is definitely needed. Men's skin care is especially important.


Although there are various special care centers for men's skin care, some things need to be done at home. Men are often not very conscious about their skin. As a result, various problems including acne are seen on the skin. Also, due to not taking care of the skin, the skin becomes pale. Let's find out how you can take care of your skin.

1) Most men think that only taking a shower will make the skin clean! Is it really so? No, special care is required for facial skin. Soap makes the skin on your face very rough. This causes various harmful effects on the skin. Dry skin is bad for both hot and cold seasons. Many brands of face washes are available in the market for special skin care, using these face washes will remove the roughness of your skin. Wash hands and face thoroughly before going to office or outside.

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২) পুরুষের সবচেয়ে বড় সমস্যা হচ্ছে শেভ করার ক্ষেত্রে ত্বক কেটে যায়। অনেকের এমন হয়। এতে ত্বকে অযাচিত দাগ হয় এবং ত্বক লাবণ্য হারায়। ফলে শেভ করার ক্ষেত্রে ভালোমানের সেভিং ক্রিম ব্যবহার করতে হবে। শেভের ক্ষেত্রে সবচেয়ে দরকারি বিষয় হচ্ছে ভালোমানের নিরাপদ ব্লেড ব্যবহার। এখন অনেক উন্নত মানের ব্লেড বা র‍্যাজার পাওয়া যায়, যা দিয়ে শেভ করলে ত্বক কাটার সম্ভাবনা শূন্য ভাগ!

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3) Be aware of using aftershave. Many people shave and do not use aftershave. This is not true at all. Aftershave works to keep your skin looking natural by healing the damage caused by the blades on your skin. But before buying aftershave, check that it is alcohol free. Alcohol will dry out your skin.

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4) Men must avoid hot water in bathing. We Asians have much less winters here than in the western region. But doctors said that hot water and tight under wear reduce the sexual power of men. Apart from this, bathing in hot or cold water for a long time will remove the oil or fat from the skin of your body, making the skin rough and dry. As a result, avoid taking a long bath.

5) You can give face pack once a week. In this case, honey can be mixed with gram flour or flour to make a pack. If you put this pack on your face, you don't need to do an extra facial. After using it two or three times, the beauty of the skin will return.

Take care of your skin by following the above five processes. And don't forget to drink more water regularly. Water helps your body flush out the dirt accumulated in the pores of your skin as sweat.

Follow the above tips yourself and tell your friends. And don't forget to tell us how you liked the tips in the form of comments. Your inspiration is the courage of the Dhaka Times.

Thank you: The Huffington Post | ask-man

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৩, ২০২৪ 12:17 pm


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