The Dhaka Times Desk For the first time, scientists have been able to accurately show how old a mummy was, what it ate, what diseases it suffered from and how it died. Mummy's questions were answered through a computerized CT scan.
Researchers were able to take 3D images of the inside of the mummy through the layered layers of the mummy. After a CT scan, British Museum authorities found that there was a man inside. The man is preserved inside by some more bandages. As a result, there are several layers of coating inside this mummy. So researchers wonder if there is any way to understand its inner state without opening it completely. Because there is a possibility that many parts will be damaged if it is exposed.
John Taylor is a curator of the Ancient Egypt and Sudan section of the British Museum. He is one of the patrons of this research. He said, after doing 3D scanning of this mummy, he was surprised to see its pictures. He said, "When I was working on these pictures in the dark room, I was completely amazed to see how these mummies lived. The researchers were able to see the muscle parts and arteries and veins of these mummies. They found these mummies wearing sandals and from their body shape, they were rich and they ate very delicious and expensive food. Besides, after the research, it is also understood that this mummy was suffering from a heart disease.
The researchers used 3D scanning to understand how old the mummy's skeleton was and discovered more mysterious features inside. They were able to estimate the age by understanding the structure of the mummy's pelvis and teeth. Many of them had such bad dental condition that it was obvious that they had various diseases in their teeth. An internal scan of the brain shows that its interior is greenish-blue. This is because during mummification, these parts of the brain are removed and replaced with other substances. As a result, the durability of the mummy increases. The mummy is unlikely to be easily destroyed.
The mummy is a special collection of the British Museum. Through scanning of this mummy, it is understood that this mummy is approximately 4000 years ago i.e. 3500 BC. This mummy lived on the banks of the Nile River. Although most of the Egyptian civilization was built around the Nile.
Reference: BBC
This post was last modified on মে ২১, ২০১৪ 3:31 pm
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