Categories: health talk

E-cigarettes help smokers quit smoking

The Dhaka Times Desk A study of nearly 6,000 people found that e-cigarettes help smokers quit smoking. It is 60 percent more effective in quitting smoking than those who do not use it. A group of researchers from the University of London published this idea in a recent study.

This issue of e-cigarettes has been criticized for several years. According to the UK Department of Health, e-cigarettes have led to 2 million more people taking up smoking than before. Since 2010, 8 percent of people have become addicted to e-cigarettes. A survey based on user experience shows that most users feel that e-cigarettes give them a better taste of smoking and less nicotine penetration into their bodies. But the controversial cigarette has been banned in public by the UK provincial government in Wales. Because they think it can make non-smokers more addicted to smoking.

However, lead researcher Robert West of the University of London thinks the e-cigarette should be applauded rather than a controversial product because it is helping smokers quit. However, he believes that its increasing use could pose a risk to public health. Some health experts believe that the increased use of e-cigarettes will lead to a resurgence of cigarette smoking as it did in the 1960s. As a result people will consider cigarette smoking as a normal activity. It should be noted that in the 1960s, the number of smokers in the United States and the United Kingdom was much higher. It was then known as a trend in the developed world. By the end of that decade, as the anti-smoking movement gained momentum, public smoking was banned in the developed world.

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E-cigarettes are not yet recognized by the UK's NHS or National Health Science as a recognized drug. But the Drug Regulatory Authority of Medicines of Healthcare Products has licensed this e-cigarette as a recognized drug until 2016. But a researcher from the University of London in the United Kingdom said that it was not right to recognize it as a medicine so quickly. He felt that more research was needed on this.

Reference: BBC

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৩, ২০২৪ 12:04 pm

KA B Tohin

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