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Jeremy Wade Meets the World's Largest Anaconda in Mankind [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk Jeremy Wade is the popular show of Animal Planet channel River Monsters its operator. He takes the audience to face different gigantic animals in different episodes of the show. Recently he found the world's largest Anaconda!

Jeremy Wade ventures deep into the Amazon rainforest, a remote area 15 miles from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Here he embarks on a quest to find the dreaded Anaconda. Locals in this area say they have seen a huge snake several times. Jeremy Wade went to the area to search for this snake based on the demand of the villagers.

Surprisingly, the snake went on a scuba drive in the Amazon River before returning to Jeremy Wade without finding it for quite some time. Suddenly he saw a huge snake in his eyes. Jeremy says it weighs about 200 pounds and is 20 feet long!

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In the video, Jeremy Wade walks right up to the snake and takes a close look at it. Jeremy saw the snake up close and realized that he was facing the fearsome man-eating snake. Jeremy said, “It was only when I was right in front of the snake that I realized it was no ordinary snake. Because the snake was very aggressive. It was obvious that he had faced humans before and knew how to attack humans."

It is to be noted that the dead body of a fisherman was found on the banks of the Amazon River a few days ago, whose neck and chest seemed to have been strangled by someone. Analysts say it is nobody's business. The giant Anaconda is the killer of that prison.

Watch the video:

Source: The Daily Mail

This post was last modified on July 31, 2014 6:01 pm


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