The Dhaka Times Desk Every smoker knows that this habit is harmful to their health. Many console themselves by saying that they are not formal smokers, meaning not always. Performed in various events. The grim news for them is that a published video shows that just 60 cigarettes are enough to completely destroy a person's lungs.
Yan Chai is a school teacher at Cheung Yang Memorial Hospital in Hong Kong. He made this terrible video. He made this video for an anti-smoking awareness among secondary school students. After making this video he realizes he has made an awareness video that should be seen by people all over the world.
As a result, he uploaded the video on YouTube. He uses an air pump to allow cigarette smoke to enter a lung in the same way a person smokes a cigarette. This lung was perfectly fine before this test was performed. Note that Yan Chai used two lungs to perform this test. Into one lung he inhaled fresh air and into the other the smoke of 60 cigarettes.
See more in the video:
After doing this experiment, Yan Chai had his students dissect the lungs. They were surprised to find that a certain part of the lung was severely damaged. This test shows that the amount of smoke a smoker smokes in a year can damage almost all of their lungs.
Reference: The Daily Mail
This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৩, ২০২৪ 11:49 am
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