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A healthy baby was born to a comatose mother

The Dhaka Times Desk A 39-year-old woman in Santa Cruz, USA, gave birth to a healthy baby while in a coma. The woman has been in a coma for about 10 weeks. The baby was born by caesarean section last Thursday.


Melissa Scarlett, a 39-year-old woman, is medically in a semi-comatose state. The baby was born by caesarean section at 10.56 on Thursday night. The baby was named Nathaniel Linde. The baby is very healthy, healthy, the baby weighs 5 pounds 9 ounces. The child's father said about the birth of the child, I am very happy to have a healthy child. To say it is a little bit of happiness in the midst of a lot of sadness.

Because the child's mother still could not wake up from the coma. A few months earlier, Scarlett's husband, Brian Linde, was left worried when a tumor was removed from his wife's brain. Since then, his wife has been in a coma and is undergoing treatment in the hospital. His wife's heartbeat has been going on for 10 weeks. But he is not feeling any pain. Her husband hopes that Scarlett will soon recover and see her baby's smiling face. But the forecast says it is almost certain.

Her husband added, Scarlett had a wonderful job. She was very much looking forward to her other child. I miss him so much. Her baby also misses her a lot. A Facebook community page is helping with Scarlett's medical expenses.

Reference: NBC News

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