Categories: health talk

Make your hair thicker and blacker with home remedies!

The Dhaka Times Desk Thick black silky hair is a traditional Bengali woman's beauty. Bengali women have been very conscious about their hair since ancient times. Who does not want to have long hair and dark hair? Sometimes there is a fashion to cut short hair and now there is a fashion to change hair color.

In addition to those who still prefer to keep black; They can easily blacken their hair naturally using some household ingredients.

1. onion

Onion has been used for hair growth since the early times. Because onion juice contains sulfur which helps in the growth of collagen cells in the hair. This collagen cell helps to grow hair on the head. Cut the onion and grate it with a clean cloth to extract the juice. Then apply this juice on the head. Leave it like this for 15 minutes and wash it off with shampoo.

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2. Egg hair mask

The high protein in eggs ensures faster hair growth by providing nutrients to the hair follicles. And egg and olive oil masks contain sulphur, zinc, iron, selenium, phosphorus and iodine which help in hair growth. Mix one egg white, 1 tablespoon of honey and olive oil well. Then leave it on the hair for 20 minutes. Then shampoo and wash.

3. Potato juice

Potato juice helps in hair growth. Cut the potatoes into small pieces and rub them well with a clean cloth to extract the juice. Then apply this juice on the head.

4. Mehndi hair mask

Almost everyone knows that henna is very beneficial for hair. Mix one cup of dry henna powder with one cup of sour cream. Then apply this mask on the hair well. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash it off.

By using these home remedies you can ensure extra care for your hair. This will make your hair thicker and softer as well as smoother. You will have thick black silky hair.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৩, ২০২৪ 11:44 am

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