Five things to know before buying a laptop

The Dhaka Times Desk Day by day the technology and design of laptops are changing a lot. Along with that, the laptop budget is decreasing. So in this ever-changing laptop market, there are a number of factors that must be considered while purchasing a laptop. Today we will highlight those aspects for the readers of The Dhaka Times.

1. touch screen

There are many types of laptops in the current laptop market that allow you to work with both touch and keyboard at the same time. All these benefits are available in these laptops running Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 operating system. Besides, there are some laptops which run Windows and Android operating systems simultaneously. You can get such touch-enabled laptops starting from Rs 35,000 and up.

2. Weight and design

If you travel a lot, you need a lightweight laptop with a slightly smaller screen. 12 or 13 inch laptops have a much longer battery life. This is what you need most while traveling. But if you are a designer, you need a big screen laptop. Because it is convenient to work on large screen laptops.

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3. storage capacity

Almost everyone is now aware of this before buying a laptop. Don't make the mistake of knowing the hard disk storage capacity of your purchased laptop. In this case, the more storage hard disk you can buy, the better.

4. operating system

You should get as many new versions of operating systems as possible because companies don't offer the same benefits to users with newer versions as they did with older versions. Also there are many people who don't load the operating system at the time of purchase because it will save some money, it is better to load the OS instead and you will get a warranty from the store you bought it from.

5. Laptop features

Almost everyone is aware of this now. Users already know the features of the laptop. But in this case it is good to know a few things that AMD processors are quite effective in terms of gaming. Because they make gaming console processors. If you are a graphic designer, you should know about the capabilities of graphics cards. Intel processors are quite effective for graphic design.

Reference: Times of India

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৩০, ২০২৪ 12:07 pm

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