The Dhaka Times
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A teacher of Dhaka University fired: hundreds of students expelled

The Dhaka Times Desk A teacher has been sacked and 102 students have been expelled for different periods due to cheating allegations of Dhaka University.

Dhaka University_TSC Building

According to media sources, allegations of forgery in PhD thesis (reference) were made against Dhaka University political science department teacher Noor Uddin Alo. The authorities fired the teacher after investigating the matter and proved it.

On the other hand, 102 students of the university and its affiliated colleges have also been expelled for different periods for being involved in various crimes including malpractice in the examination. Dhaka University Vice-Chancellor Professor AMS Arefin Siddique said that these decisions were taken at the university's syndicate meeting on Sunday night. News from BD News

Vice-Chancellor Prof. AMS Arefin Siddique told the media, "The PAD degree of Noor Uddin, a teacher of political science department, was canceled earlier in the syndicate meeting due to inconsistent and wrong information in the research work. He was fired for that crime in yesterday's meeting."

He also said, "disciplinary action has been taken against 102 students for cheating and malpractice in the examination in the Syndicate meeting." Among these expulsions there are permanent expulsions starting from 3 months.

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