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All the reasons why we have terrible nightmares

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many people who sometimes wake up scared. Nightmares act behind this sudden awakening. Nightmares not only disturb sleep but sometimes they also cause us emotional damage. Such nightmares or bad dreams can be caused by various reasons.


today we The Dhaka Times Let me explain to the readers why we sometimes have nightmares or bad dreams.

1. Anxiety and stress

Anxiety and stress are one of the main causes of nightmares. According to a study by the International Association for the Study of Dreams, if someone has lost a loved one, or has suffered an accident, they attack the sleeping world in the form of nightmares or bad dreams.

2. spicy food

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Spicy food sometimes affects the brain causing us to have nightmares. This information is known in a study of the International Journal of Psychology. A group of healthy people were tested on different periods of sleep by varying the spices in their food. It can be seen that excess of spices in food also affects sleep.

3. Foods high in fat or protein

Some neurological researchers believe that high-fat and high-protein diets disrupt the normal functioning of the brain. As a result, many people have nightmares in their sleep. A recent study found that people who eat junk food are more likely to have nightmares.

4. alcohol

Alcohol consumption plays a major role in nightmares. Alcoholics are already deep sleepers. During this time the normal mechanism of the brain is disturbed. As a result, people have nightmares. One thing to note is that people usually have nightmares during deep sleep.

5. taking medication

There are certain drugs that make people suffer from nightmares. Neuro doctors prescribe deep sleep medications to relieve depression. Barbiturates, drugs belonging to the group of necrotics, have a strong effect on the brain. As a result, its users suffer from nightmares.

Reference: DivineCaroline

This post was last modified on মে ২৮, ২০১৪ 3:56 pm

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