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India is again starting to stockpile lethal weapons on the Bangladesh-India border

The Dhaka Times Desk A recent BBC report mentioned that the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) may once again use lethal weapons on the Bangladesh-India border. It should be noted that three years ago, the then Home Minister of India P. Chidambaram issued a ban on the use of lethal weapons on the border.


But then Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi strongly criticized his ban. As a result, confusion and anger arose even within the force. At the recent BSF foundation anniversary function, when the use of this lethal weapon was brought up again, it was met with thunderous applause. According to the BSF, illegal infiltration and smuggling across the border has increased due to the withdrawal of lethal weapons from the border. Heinous crimes like drug and women trafficking have increased along with it. The BSF chief said that the border guards, who are responsible for protecting the border, have become a weak force due to the withdrawal of arms. He said, like the army, they should also play a role in border protection. Note that the BSF is not part of the army, so they are not trained like the Bangladeshi BGB.


Retired BSF DIG D Deshraaj said in an interview that it is not possible to catch illegal intruders while running and wearing heavy clothes. So in this case there is no option but to shoot. But disarming them does not make this possible at present. He also thinks that India's eastern border (Bangladesh) is more vulnerable than its western border (Pakistan). BSF's anniversary celebrations drew heavy criticism for illegal border infiltration, from confiscation of lethal weapons. Other BSF officers supported it with thunderous applause. Earlier this year Narendra Modi in one of his political speeches said that the security of the country is under threat today due to the disarmament of the border guards and the free entry of Bangladeshis. This compromise cannot be accepted at all.

BBC also said about this report, Modi government does not seem to compromise on this duty of border protection. As a result, it seems likely that lethal weapons will return to the BSF and will increase the risk of border killings.

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